This was my bouquet! White big roses with golden hearts
The day was wonderful, and we were spoiled rotten by everyone! Thank you guys and girls all soooo much! We really enjoyed having you all and our wedding was truely complete as it was!
The funny thing is that I thought I would be soooo nervous but I wasn't at all! Just a slight bit when we had to cut the cake and actually eating it! Strange moment he? I tried to enjoy everything and really get things to the core of my soul, printed in my memory for ever and ever. It was a day to never forget, and we will never forget! See you all soon again. Big hugs and kisses and loads of love!
9 opmerkingen:
Your rose bouquet was gorgeous. Can't wait to see more pictures!
Wouw, die bloemen zijn echt heel erg mooi...
En die ringen, Prachtig !!!
Moet echt een super dat voor je geweest zijn...
How original, I have never seen hearts in the bouquet before. Very pretty.
What a wonderful bouquet!!! Congratulations!!!
Your flowers are gorgeous!!! Congrats!!!!
I love your flowers! I may just have to copy those...
I'm so glad you had a wonderful wedding! Congratulations!
congratulations! May you have many many more years together!
Oh they are gorgeous!!
YAY :)
Wat een onwijs mooi boeket! Alsnog een keer gefeliciteerd en ik hoop snel foto's van je jurk enzo te zien. Ben heel nieuwsgierig namelijk.
Groetjes xxx
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