zaterdag, maart 03, 2007

again 2 lo's

Today was my lazy scrapday! I slept in today until 9.15 am! After that I had breakfast and cleaned the bathroom and mopped the hallways and stairs, quite boring I know! But when that was finished it was ME-time! I made 2 lo's. The first one is not as I wanted it to be.

The second one is great, well, I think so myself! What do you think? A great way to work with lots of photo's or a photoserie!

Well I am totally in scrappingmode so I will go one for a while since my sweetie will not be home within 2 hours!
bye now!

7 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Geweldige lo's weer Angela, leuk gezicht die lenteplantjes in de sneeuw en je poezenlo is echt helemaal super.
groetjes Carla

Anoniem zei

GAAF met al die kleine fotootjes!!!
ERg mooie lootjes weer!!

Anoniem zei

Leuk die poezenlo! De titel is ook geweldig!!

Anoniem zei

hij is echt gaaf zeg.
met al die kleine fotootjes.
ik vind hem echt heel leuk.

groetjes Danielle

Anoniem zei

Wat heb je weer veel leuke dingen gemaakt zeg, de poezen LO is ook mijn favo!

Groetjes Sheila

Anoniem zei

Mooi gedaan Angela!

Fauve Design zei

Love your layout,especially the 1 of your cat,it's gorgeous!